
Monday, July 7, 2008

Who is that old lady in the mirror?

Funny thing about getting older - you don't actually feel older, you just look older. Most of the time I still feel like I'm about 13 - it's so unfair to have the inadequate, clueless, insecure personality of a 13 year old and the wrinkles, sags and gray hair of an old person.

Sometimes I see someone and my mind automatically categorizes the person as "old" - a nanosecond later I realize, oh, that person is probably my age.

A few months ago my husband was describing a woman he had met recently, "she's a little old retired lady." So an image came into my head - remember the lady who owned Tweetie Bird in the cartoons? Yeah, that was the picture in my head, a little old retired lady. Then my husband added, "she's probably in her fifties." I stared at him. "Pat," I said, " Little old retired lady?? WE are in our fifties." Later I met the woman in question: a very attractive woman about my age. Not little or old (although her hair is silver, it was cut in a modern style and was pretty sharp looking).And if she was retired, then she's lucky. I wish I could retire too! Then I could be a little (not), old (maybe), retired lady too. Wahoo!