
Thursday, August 3, 2017

What this blog is becoming

Several years ago when I signed up for Facebook, I stopped writing regularly in my blogs.
Now I'm ready to leave Facebook and return to my blogs.

These posts are just my musings and I've started saving my photos too.

Just for me. Maybe someone in my family will come across them someday and enjoy the memories.

The photo above was taken in 2017 on a wooded trail at Jacob Krumm Nature Preserve in Jasper County, Iowa. I love it. It's my journey, it's my life, I wonder what's around the corner? More beauty.

More family photos

Andrew Parsons, born 7/30/77 at home, 320 Walnut Ave., Carlsbad, California, 
a beautiful full moon night. Me above, Bob in the photo below.

Catherine and I vote for Barack Obama, 2008.

David at Webster University filming.

David and me at a dinner the night before his college graduation.
Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri, 2014.

David with me and Pat at High School graduation party, 2010.
Grinnell, Iowa.

Nice picture of David. 2014?

Merry, 2016?  age 20 Cedar Rapids, Iowa

March 2007, me and Sarah and newborn Guthrie in New York City, overlooking Central Park.

1998 Gathered for Sarah's high school graduation.
Back yard of 1707 7th Ave., Grinnell, Iowa
Front row: Catherine, David, Sarah
Back row: me, Andrew, Pat holding Merry

At Drake Community Library holding a little alligator.
Catherine behind me, didn't want her picture taken.

Me on the couch with Tipper on my lap, Reo at far end. 
Not sure who is in the middle, Rocky & Mina?
We had FIVE black dogs. Beau maybe not on couch.
Not sure of date - before 2007.

Me and Merry. 2013 maybe.

2012 ? maybe. Merry, Catherine, me, David at
Drake Community Library. 
I love this picture when my kids seemed to like each other
before everything blew apart. 

Merry, Catherine, David laughing at me because I couldn't figure out 
how to take a picture with David's phone.
Look how they like each other! I miss that. 

Drake Community Library Sept. 19, 2014
Talk Like a Pirate Day
Me dressed as a pirate, Ralph the blue and gold macaw
and Mike Hutchison, director of Iowa Parrot Rescue

Dressed like a pirate.

Me and Ralph (who is a girl macaw)

Officially a Notary Public

1985 Patrick with his sister Vina, and his mother Shirley (Soledad)
and Vina's children, Amber, Aimee and Jon.
This was the week I met Pat.

Ozzy, Mo and Merry, 2015

Me and Rocky, my Rockadoodle. 2015? At Krumm preserve.

My sad little photo of my girls when they were still best friends. 
I loved that so much, how close they were, how sweet, walking hand in hand, 
leaning toward each other and laughing.
I miss that, my heart is forever broken.

Back when a good life seemed possible. 
Bob and me and our kids, Andrew and baby Sarah. 
1980 Oceanside, California

Fitting Sarah into her teddy bear costume. While making this costume the 
scissors slipped and I cut off the tip of one finger. An amazing amount of blood.

A picture I found online of my brother Sonny Hilliard (Sidney H. Hilliard III)
 when he was in the army. 
A Green Beret. Probably about 1970.

Oh, but California, California, I'm Coming Home (I wish)